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Daily-ish AI 30

Phillies - A Poem

promtp: Can you write a short poem about the phanatic?

In the heart of Philly's game, under lights so bright,
There roams a green giant, a whimsical sight.
With a snout so long, and fur oh so green,
The Phanatic's the wildest mascot you've ever seen.

Atop his 4-wheeler, he zooms with glee,
A whirlwind of fun for every family.
He dances, he pranks, with boundless energy,
Cheering the Phillies to victory.

From the stands to the field, his antics unfold,
In his jersey, so bold, stories are told.
With each game that passes, fans can't deny
The Phanatic's spirit, as high as the sky.

So here's to the mascot, with love and fanatic,
The soul of the Phillies, our dear Phanatic.
A symbol of joy, through baseball's long season,
Bringing laughter and cheer, for every reason.

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